2012 m. gegužės 10 d., ketvirtadienis


Naujos pažintys dažniausiai atneša šį tą gero, bet mano šiandieninė kvepia kaip LABAI daug gero žadantis šviežio vėjo gūsis :)
Žodžiu...  tvarkiau šiandienos fotosesijos nuotraukas, ir vos tik pamačius šią, išgirdau aiškų kaip niekad Aleno Ginsbergo balsą, kaip jis skaito savo V giesmę.

                                                           Hymmnn V
                O mother
                what have I left out
                O mother
                what have I forgotten
                O mother
                with a long black shoe
                with Communist Party and a broken stocking
                with six dark hairs on the wen of your breast
                with your old dress and a long black beard around the vagina
                with your sagging belly
                with your fear of Hitler
                with your mouth of bad short stories
                with your fingers of rotten mandolins
                with your arms of fat Paterson porches
                with your belly of strikes and smokestacks
                with your chin of Trotsky and the Spanish War
                with your voice singing for the decaying overbroken workers
                with your nose of bad lay with your nose of the smell of the pickles of Newark
                with your eyes
                with your eyes of Russia
                with your eyes of no money
                with your eyes of false China
                with your eyes of Aunt Elanor
                with your eyes of starving India
                with your eyes pissing in the park
                with your eyes of America taking a fall
                with your eyes of your failure at the piano
                with your eyes of your relatives in California
                with your eyes of Ma Rainey dying in an aumbulance
                with your eyes of Czechoslovakia attacked by robots
                with your eyes going to painting class at night in the Bronx
                with your eyes of the killer Grandma you see on the horizon from the Fire-Escape
                with your eyes running naked out of the apartment screaming into the hall
                with your eyes being led away by policemen to an aumbulance
                with your eyes strapped down on the operating table
                with your eyes with the pancreas removed
                with your eyes of appendix operation
                with your eyes of abortion
                with your eyes of ovaries removed
                with your eyes of shock
                with your eyes of lobotomy
                with your eyes of divorce
                with your eyes of stroke
                with your eyes alone
                with your eyes
                with your eyes
                with your Death full of Flowers

Žinau, galima kibti dėl visokių fotografinių netikslumų, bet įspūdį juk sukelia, ar ne?

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